Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Machine level programming

It is a sequence of programs which are hand coded and entered byte by byte.

*complicated & time consuming
*chances of error being hand coded and entered byte by byte
*difficult to debug
*not easily understandable & non user friendly

Converts mnemonics to their equivalent object code

Assembly level programming (ALP)
Convert object code to executable programming using linkers and loader program.

  • Not complicated as machine language
  • Coding function is done by assembler
  • Chances of error less due to mnemonics are used
  • Debugging is easier
  • More user friendly &easy understandable
  • Memory control is in hands of users
  • Results are user friendly
  • High flexibility than the machine language
Writing a program in an assembler
  • Use text editor and type the program listing prepared
  • Check for typing error
  • Save the program
  • Now we can use it for assembling
  • Common text editors are Norton’s editor, Turbo C, EDLIN etc….
  • Assemblers are MASM, TASM, DOS assembler etc……

Entering the program
  • You can use same hand coded program in the masm with the syntax modifications
  • For every assembly language program, the extension .ASM must be there
  • Firstly enter the file name
  • Then enter the code
  • Example:
Addition of two bytes
Assume cs: CODE, DS: DATA
Data segment
Opr1 dw 1234 h
Opr2 dw 0002 h
Result dw 01h dup (?)
Code ends
Mov ax, data
Mov ds, ax
Mov ax, opr1
Mov bx, opr2
Add ax, bx
Mov di, offset result
Mov [di], ax
Mov ah, 4ch
Int 21h
End start
Assembling a program
  • Above given code is saved and assembled by an assembler
  • We have to give a valid file name. we it should give file name extension it automatically convert it
  • When we enter it automatically convert it into a object code
  • After generating the .LST ,.CRF,.OBJ
  • Use it in linker
  • After it produce an .EXE file

  • After creating the .EXE file we use DEBUG.COM for to debug and trouble-shooting

Programming examples
Write a program for the addition of a series of 8-bit numbers. The series contains 100 numbers
Assume cs: CODE, DS: DATA
Data segment
NUMLIST 52H, 23H,-
count equ 100d
result dw 01h dup (?)
data ends
code segment
org 200h
start: mov ax, DATA
mov ds, ax
xor ax, ax
xor br, br
mov si, offset numlist
again: mov bl, [si]
add ax, bx
inc si
dec cx
jnz again
mov di, offset result
mov [di], ax
int 21h
code ends
end start
Program to find out the number of even and odd numbers from a given series of 16-bit hexadecimal numbers
Assume cs: CODE, DS: DATA
Data segment
list dw 2357h, oa579h, 0c322h, 0c91eh, 0c000h, 0957h
count equ 006h
data ends
code segment
start: xor bx, bx
xor dx, dx
mov ax, data
mov ds, ax
mov cl, count
mov si, offset list
again: mov ax, [si]
ror ax, 01
jc odd
inc bx
jmp next
odd: inc dx
next: add si, 02
dec cl
jnz again
mov ah, 4ch
code ends
end start
Write a program to find out the number positive or negative
Assume cs: CODE, DS: DATA
Data segment
list dw 2579h, 0a500h, 0c009h, 0159h, ob900h
count equ 05h
data ends
code segment
start: xor bx, bx
xor dx, dx
mov ax, data
mov ds, ax
mov cl, count
mov si, offset list
again: mov ax, [si]
shl ax, 01
jc neg
inc bx
jmp next
neg: inc dx
next: add si, 02
dec cl
jnz again
mov ah, 4ch
int 21h
code ends
end start
Write a program to perform a one byte BCD addition
Assume cs: CODE, DS: DATA
Data segment
opr1 equ 92h
opr2 equ 52h
result db 02 dup (00)
data ends
code segment
start: mov ax, data
mov ds, ax
mov bl, opr1
xor al, al
mov al, opr2
add al, bl
mov result, al
jnc msbo
inc [result+1]
msbo: mov ah, 4ch
int 21h
code ends
end start


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